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7yo Cat just gave birth


My cat Emma is 7 years old and usually has 1 liter of kittens every year. She has always had 4 kittens. Yesterday she was 65 days gestation and gave birth but has only had 3 kittens. How can I be sure there isn't another one still inside? I've touched her belly and it feels like there might be one in there but I'm not sure - is there anything I can do at home before calling the vet? Thanks!

Hi Heather, Usually if a cat is settled and taking good care of the kittens then there is nothing remaining inside of her. If a cat has a retained kitten they will not want to eat or really settle down and feed the kittens they have. If she does have another kitten in her and you can feel movement then you need to get her to the vet. If you do not feel movement it could mean she does... or doesn't have a kitten ... so not much help.
There is nothing you can do at home to help her if she has one still inside of her. She would need an oxytocin injection to start contractions and get the last kitten out.
P.S. you didn't' ask me this but I am going to offer some information for you. A 7 year old cat should be spayed. To continue breeding her could be compromising her health. Perhaps you would want to think about this.