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Pregnant cat overdue???


Hi, I have a tabby cat that is approx 14mths old and is due kittens any time now.
She has been to the vets 3 times during her pregnancy and he has said her kittens were due roughly 10days ago, then when i took her back 4 days ago he said look for her milk coming in, that is a sign. Her milk came in and was a watery colour on tuesday but yesterday turned to a more creamy colour and she is very big and solid too, you can feel the lumps of the kittens and have been feeling movements too.
I am just concerned that this seems to be going on a long time and am wondering if something is holding her back. She seems happy in herself and is eating and drinking but doesnt really seem to be seeking anywhere to have the kittens etc.


If the cat does not seem distressed, neither should you.  Normal gestation is 65-67 days, 63 days is the normal minimum and 69 days is the normal maximum.

It sounds to me as if she is getting ready.  I would watch for discharge (mucousy and/or bloody) from her vagina.  Watch for nesting activity in her birthing box.  All of these usually mean birth is coming shortly (in a few days to immediately).

If you have not provided her with a birthing box, I like the cardboard "jumbo" storage chests (10" X 16" X 26").  You can put old toweling or sheeting for bedding and put it somewhere where it is warm with no draft.  You can cover it halfway with a towel to make it seem like a den.

I would confine her to one room with litter pan, water, birthing box until she has kittens.  You should keep other pets and small children away from her.

Please let me know how she does.

Best regards... Norm.