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My cat is pregnant. How will i get her to use a box that i will make? I know to put it in a safe quite place but  i don't know how she can know to have her babies there...


The more den like the birthing box, the more likely she will use it.  I like the cardboard "jumbo" storage boxes (10" X 16" X 26") and put some old toweling and/or sheeting in the bottom for bedding.  Encourage her to go in it.  You can cover it half way with a towel, so she feels safer inside.  I would make sure the place you have it cannot be accessed by other pets or small children.  The place where the box is should be warm and away form any drafts.

If she is confined to one room with birthing box, litter pan, water dish, and food dish and no other kittening options are apparent, she will probably use the birthing box.

Best regards... Norm.