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My Kittens leg?


I have a kitten thats is about 4 months old and he seemed fine when we got him but not all he does is sleep and he is not gaining any weight. His back legs seem to be weak. he falls everytime he walk across the dresser he falls. I thought it might be worms but he don't have the pot belly.I also thought it might be dieabeties but i'm not sure. Can you help me?


I am forwarding some information that I received about your cat's condition:

"With lethargy and rear leg weakness in a young cat it may be a congenital heart problem like cardiomyopathy because heart problems cause leg weakness in cats.

Drops in potassium in cats will cause rear leg weakness in cats rather severely.

Renal and liver failure both can cause these symptoms and kittens can have congenital problems of either kidney or liver.

The bottom line is this kitten needs to see a vet if she expects it to thrive. He needs help and is serious ill and its not possible to guess what exactly is going on because a number of serious to life threatening problems cause what is happening to him..

Diabetes is unlikely in this age cat. It is a disorder of older cats."

Since I do not answer vet questions, I wanted to get the best information for you for your kitty's problem. The people at were nice enough to answer my question. They have an excellent library of cat medical issues that you can read through by copy and pasting, or typing, this link into your address bar:

I hope this helped and your kitty is going to be OK. Keep me posted.