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Im just wondering about my 2 cats


I have 2 cats and i have come to realise they like ear wax. I know it sounds horrible but i just once itched inside my ear and my cat was on my lap and as i was about to get up to go and wash my hands my cat started licking my fingers. Is this normal and can it make them ill?

Hello Emma,

It doesn't sound horrible at all - by all accounts, this is normal.  I have no idea why cats like the taste of ear wax, but they do!  One of my three cats steals used cotton buds from the bin and other friends with cats have reported the same problem!  Eating ear wax is fairly disgusting but it won't make your cat poorly, so there's no need to worry.  Just make sure they don't work out where it's coming from, or you'll be having your ears licked constantly!

Hope this helps set your mind at rest.

Take care