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mucus from cats eye


my cat has green mucus coming out of his eye and it is also swollen underneath and in his eye ,,it looks like the glands around the eye have swollen as well and u can bearly see his eye ...he is still eating should i tak ehim to the vet or is their so home remedy

Hello Michelle,

I'm sorry to hear this about your poor cat.  I'm not a vet so couldn't say what might be wrong with him, but what I can say is that you definitely need to take him to see a vet.  Any change in the appearance of a cat's eye, whether it's discharge, swelling or the appearance of the third eyelid, is a cause for concern.  An infection can be quite simple to clear up with the right medication but can lead to a very poorly cat, and even blindness, if left untreated.

Best of luck with this - I hope he is on the road to recovery soon.

Take care