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Dear Becky, About three...

20 16:41:10

Dear Becky,

About three weeks ago, my cat gave birth to six little ones. Recently I have noticed that two of them seem to have eye infections; crustiness, gooey discharge. I found some medicine on made for this, called Neo Poly Dex Opthalmic ointment. However, I was wondering if this type of medication is safe for such young kittens, or if at the vet they would be given something specifically formulated for kittens. I don't have a lot of money and was told by the vet that it would cost $75 per kitten just for the visit. Also, I don't want to drag the two kittens away from their mother for too long! She is confused enough as it is.

I understand that you are not a vet, but any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Hi Kristen,

I think if it is made for eyes... then it would be ok.   Be sure and read the directions, as if it is not good for kittens it should say so.  First, take a warm washcloth and gently rub the eyes to clean them as much as possible, then apply a little ointment.  Just a little bit should do the trick. (be sure and follow directions on tube).  It is very important to have your kittens vaccinated when they get old enough.
God Bless,