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Cat aggresstion towards her kitten


QUESTION: My cat gave birth to a litter of 5 kittens.  We chose to keep one (a male), who is now 6 months.  The kitten has been weaned for quite some time and the mother cat has been spayed.  She has recently become aggressive towards the kitten and us.  If we try to pet or pick her up, she growls and hisses.  She also prefers to stay outside most of the day.  I am not sure, but I believe she wants the kitten gone for good.  We want to keep him and are planning to have him neutered this month.  Will having him neutered help this situation?  Why has my once sweet docile mother cat become so aggressive?  What other measures can we take to bring back the harmony?

ANSWER: Kristina,

Has your 6 month old tried to breed his mother?  He is about the age where he is reaching puberty.  Neutering will not hurt anything.  However, you will have to give it a couple of weeks since it takes some time for those male hormones to dissipate.

On the other hand, cats do not suddenly become aggressive without good reason.  Often it is a medical issue, e.g. thyroid, or some condition that puts the cat in some discomfort.  You might have your vet check her out!!!!!

Once the bot is neutered and mama has a clean bill of health, you will have to see what happens.  Anyway, you will have to give it at least a month and refrain from any intervention as any human interference will only make matters worse.

One more thought,  How long after being spayed did the aggressive behavior start?

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Norm!  I appreciate your response.  It is helpful.  What's funny is that this week Mom's behavior has almost returned to normal.

Mama was spayed in June and she has just become aggressive in September.  It is possible that she was not feeling very well.  The last few days have been much better.  She is no longer aggressive towards us and she is playing with the bot again; however, it seems to be an aggressive play.  Sometimes I don't know if they are playing or not.  Before, if Mama hissed at the bot he would change direction.  Now, they just wrestle; but he seems to know when it's o.k. and when he needs to retreat.

I have not noticed him trying to breed her.  I have seen him ocassionally sniff her butt and keep walking.

Overall, I am feeling better.  Based on what I have read, I believe Mom was sick but is now teaching him survival skills.  The bot is very friendly, and I have never heard him hiss, growl, or show any signs of aggression.  He is very loving and playful, even when the neighbor's cat visits us.  Mom, on the other hand, does not allow visitors.


I am glad things are easing up.  Yes, they are playing.  Cats play very, very roughly. If there is no blood drawn, they are NOT fighting!  You may be able to remember how aggressively the newborns played with each other once their eyes were open.  Cats have very, very tough skin, so they tend to play extremely roughly with each other.

It sounds to me as if all is well.

Thank you for the update.