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New Cat Wont Stop Crying


Hi Kate,
I just brought home a new cat yesterday afternoon and he won't stop crying! He's approximately 4 years old and neutered. I volunteer at the shelter he came from and never noticed any problem with excessive meowing. He's fine when you're right next to him, but even when I went to bed last night in the same room, he cried because he couldn't see me. He is unable to jump onto the bed because of a past neurological problem that left him with balance issues. I ended up laying on the floor with him so he would stop, which I now realize probably wasn't a good idea. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!

poor little guy he is obviously feeling very nervous and anxious and is using his meows to get attention from you.

Now it should start to calm down after a while as he gets used to his new home but you will have to be careful that he does not become over dependant on you otherwise you will have a cat that meows all the time as habit expecting attention every time.

Social separation anxiety is a real condition for some nervy cats please see my web page about this here for more information


Give him lots of things to distract him from his feelings and new situation


Hopefully he will settle down soon into his new home

best wishes kate