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Cats urinating on my glass doors


My neighborhood cats keep urinating on my slidding glass door and using my nice grass as their litter box. How can I stop them from doing this??  Thank You!


This is a fairly common situation. You have a few options that may work. I would suggest that you try some citrus peels in the areas where you don't want the cats. Spicy peppers are also a pretty good deterrant as cats don't like the smell of spices or citrus fruits. There are commercially available cat repellants, but I have heard mixed things about them. If you do decide to try a cat repellant make sure that it is designed for outdoor use and don't forget that you may have to reapply the product on some sort of a schedule. The reason that the neighborhood cats are doing this is because they see your home as part of their territory. I would suggest that if you know who owns the offending cats that you politely broach the subject with them and maybe there can be some compromise reached where everybody walks away happy. I hope that these suggestions help. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.