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Will my cat become depressed?


My boyfriend of three years and I just broke up...and for the past year and a half my cat has been living at his home because I thought it was a better place for her due to the fact I live in an apartment. He lives in a house where there are windows, and lots of space and theres always someone around. I have to move her back into my apartment, and I'm worried she will become depressed. She spends alot of her time gazing out the window and basking in the sun, and now I have to take her away from that. On the plus side she will be with me, and I am her "Mommy". I have no other how can I make my apartment more Cat friendly for her? I do have windows, but I'm very high up and I don't get much sun. She can't really watch birds like she's used to. Am I overreacting or is this somehting I should be worried about??
(She is about seven years old and in good health)

Hi Marissa, I am assuming over the last year and a half that your baby has had lots of contact with you and the bond between the two of you is going to be the most important thing right now. She is going to be more bonded to you than to a nice set of windows !!  LOL
when you are ready to move her I would do it on a Friday night if you get weekends off work. This way you can be around for a couple of days to make the transition easier for her. Plan to have a quiet weekend with some movies and ice cream (this works for kitty and for boyfriend breakups !) Because she knows you she should be fine at your place within the couple of days. I would not expect her to be depressed or really lacking in anything. If you want her to have more view of the outdoors you can always mount a mirror near the window that will give her more visions of what is going on outside and higher and lower than what she is.... Do you know what I mean?? Kind of angle a mirror, safely near the window and then she can look in the mirror to watch things overhead or lower down...
Also some fresh new toys and catnip is always a good idea to prevent boredom. Cats, like people do adjust.. She will be over him quickly :)