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Room Temperture


 I have a question that may sound a bit silly, but it is what it is. When I sleep at night my cat sleeps on the bed next to me. She just started because my bed is rather high off the ground and until now she was too little to jump up there so being up there scared her.
Because of breathing problems i have I sleep with an air conditioner or fan blowing directly on me most nights. It can get rather cool in the room, especially when the air conditioner is blowing right on me but I don't care because I am under the covers. Sometimes like 55 degrees, less right in the path of the air.
Now getting back to the cat, she lays right in its path. Is this too cold for her? I am not necessarily asking if its cold enough to affect her health, I  am pretty sure its not(but if I am wrong please say so) I more mean, is it cold enough to make her uncomfortable?
I know it may sound silly and I hope it came out right. Its just that she is my first pet and she is very loyal. I honestly think even if she was cold all night, she would still lay right there so if thats the case, I want to know so I can change it as I want her to be happy, healthy and comfortable.
Thank You


Cats do very well in winter in very cold climates, so 55 degrees should not be an issue. If she begins to feel uncomfortable, she will move. Cats as a rule are very practical creatures and, generally, like warmth, but she seems to have adapted to your sleeping temperature, already.

Best regards... Norm.