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voice change in cat


i have a three year old male cat.he is neutered and very active and playful. two weeks back, he developed hoarseness and about a week later he coughed up a giant hairball. he has stopped vomiting, has not lost any weight, is very playful and eats, drinks and sleeps normally. however, the hoarseness has not gone. The vet suggested some medicine which has not worked. what do you think is the  reason for this. he had a similar problem a couple of months back, but after getting a shot, that was solved. I am really, really worried. the possibility of serious diseases like cancer keep bothering me. please help me and my furball.  

Hello Suresh,
I can understand your concern with your cat's problem.  I am not a vet, but I would venture to say that the chances of something as serious as cancer in a three year old cat, are slim.  It is possible that the process of coughing up the hairball, did some damage to his esophagus, perhaps severely scratching his vocal cords or voice box.  Sometimes these things can take a while to heal.  You may want to give your vet a call and let him know that the medicine he prescribed has not been effective, and perhaps give your kitty something else.  The fact that this cat is still playful, is eating drinking and sleeping normally, is a good thing.  Perhaps just more time is needed.
Hope this has been helpful to you, and best of luck with this situation.
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