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About a year ago I picked up a stray cat outside my appartment.  I took him in and have neutered him.  Friends of mine have a Maine Coon and by comparing them I think he might be one too, but have no proof. I recently moved to a new suite and he adjusted very well, but has started to shed a lot.  Could it have anything to do with the new place being cooler? or might there be some other reason?  Is there anything I can do for it? He doesn't seem to be uncomfortable or have hairballs and his fur is not matted.


I would get a metal comb with both fine and coarse teeth and comb him weekly.  During shedding season give him a bath maybe once every month or two to get rid of the dead hair.

I expect the stress of relocating his territory has probably made him shed more then usual.

Best regards... Norm.