Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > 5.5 month old sick kitten. could it be due to new teeth growing in?

5.5 month old sick kitten. could it be due to new teeth growing in?


I have a sphynx kitten who was born 8/26/09, yesterday i noticed he hasn't been as interested in food as he usually is. he also spent more time than usual sleeping in his blankets. he threw up once last night, but it was just water and a bit of foam. he did eat some soft food this morning and seemed to feel a lot better. now i can feel he has a higher than normal temperature and still isnt himself. i checked his gums and noticed his new canines are starting to come in. could this fever and listlessness be due to his teeth coming in? he also seems to be drinking more water than normal and his eye lids seem to be a bit swollen and puffy pink. Would you recommend taking him to the vet???

Hello Kate,

Yes this could definately be caused by his new teeth, but it could also be a virus. If he was my cat I would get him checked over by a vet to be on the safe side. Does he go outside? Is he vaccinated?

My advice would be to get a vet to check him over and in the mean time feed him only soft, light food.

Thank you
