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Cats with Diarrhea


Have 5 female spayed strictly indoor cats and problems with vomiting and diarrhea.  Changed dry food to Hills Diet from vet.  Temporarily seemed to help but now they are all back to problems.  Have been giving them boiled chicken in addition to the dry food.  They will eat the chicken but do not seem to be crazy about it.  Two of them are back to bloody diarrhea stage and I am at wits end.  What diet can I put them on that can alleviate these issues?  Did take one to vet and was checked for parasites with negative results, also no fever.  I am seriously considering putting them all on a raw food diet, making my own food at home with chicken, turkey and rabbit meat.  I am not able to take them to the vet, am having to ignore my own health issues to care for them as it is.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


There are two things that I would suggest in this situation... First I would suggest deworming your kitties just in case they have parasites that have somehow managed to take up residence and weren't seen on the slides. Next, if you want to make them a homemade diet that's absolutely fine, but be sure you do it properly. Check out, this site was created by a veterinarian to help pet parents understand the unique needs of their feline companions... Dr. Lisa Pierson details how to make raw food at home that is properly suited to the needs of your kitties. In order to help clear up the diarrea you might also want to consider sprinkling probiotic powder over their food to help re-populate their gut with good bacteria and restore the balance. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
