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Sores On My Cat Turkey


Yes my name is Sara Pike, I have a 7 month old male cat named Turkey. My question is, is that a couple a weeks ago we got fixed. A little after that I seen on his neck that It looked like a round patch of hair about the size of a nickel was ripped out. It was showing bare skin. The skina was a little bloddy and very pink. Now the hair is falling out more and it's been bleeding a little. He hasn't been scratching at it or anything. I was just a little worried.
If you could please email me back, that would be great/
Thank you for your time
Sara Pike

Hi Sara,

Thank you for your question.  I have one question for you before I answer...Do you have any other cats?  This can be caused by another cat biting at the neck when expressing dominant or mating behaviour.

If he's your only cat, it is possible that he has a fungus or external parasite.  You should have your vet take a look at is as it could be something called "ringworm".  If this is the case, your vet can prescribe something to get rid of it.  Also, ringworm can be passed on to humans so I would recommend getting Turkey checked out so you can rule out this possibility.

Hope this helps,
