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Moving With Three Cats


We're only moving 11 miles from where we live now, but two of our three cat's are scared of practically everything. We've had them since they were kittens and they have only physically been outside to visit the vet for neutering. We even have a mobile vet who takes care of check-ups. The condo we live in now is 1,700 s.f, we're moving to a house that is 4,800 s.f. with three levels. How can I make the move less stressful? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi Michele,

Wow, that's going to be a big change for them.  I would give them an area of their own, a basement, playroom, whatever that they can have their food, water and litter box in.  Keep them in this room for a couple of days and then just leave the door open and let them decide if they want to venture out.  Give them places to hide in this room so they feel secure and you might want to get something like "Rescue Remedy" to put in their water to help calm them down.  You can find it or something similar at your pet store or on line.  Don't force them to come out but do go in the room and talk to them as if nothing has changed.  If you're anxious for them they'll pick up on that and be anxious, too.