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cat with runny nose


About a month ago I found a siamese male cat. He adapted well to our house, 2 kids and 2 female cats. He seemed healthy and didn't have any weird symptoms. Until about a week ago, I noticed he seemed congested. Now he constantly sneezes, and fluid drips from his nose. The fluid is clear and is the consistancy of water. He has no eye discharge, or anything coming from his mouth. He also makes a weezing sound when he breathes. I was thinking it was an U.R.I. (Upper respiratory infection) but don't want to misdiagnose it. I wanted to know if there was any inexpensive way to treat it at home. (Can't afford vet bills) Or am I just better off bringing him to the vet. Also, my other cats aren't showing any symptoms. Could it be allergies?


Yes, it could be an upper respiratory infection, and, yes, it could be allergies. I suspect the stress of coming to a new house with new food, new water, new litter, etc. has stressed your new arrival's immune system.

Since you do not know his medical history, a visit to the vet would be a very wise idea since you really do not know what it might be.

Please let me know what your vet says.

Best regards... Norm.