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2 cats that dont get along


Hi Jessica,
Maybe you've got some advice. I have a large male cat(18lbs) who is soooo loving w/ any and all humans. In Aug of 2005 I adopted a female cat (8lbs).  Both cats r fixed. My female cat hisses and runs away from the male anytime he's near. He's attackd her a couple of times, of course he wins b'c of his size.  
I have to keep them in separate areas of the house.  Any advice wld b helpful..

Thanks J

Most battles are over territory, and sometimes keeping them in separate areas of the house is the best you can do.  Personally, I find that most cats, when separated, will claim one territory as their own, and then even when I don't physically separate them, they stick to their own turf.  And they're generally dominant in that area, so if the other cat approaches the line, they aren't likely to attack.

However, if you're still having problems with this a whole year later, I think it's probably time for you to consult a professional animal behaviorist.  Since an animal behaviorist doesn't have to be licensed or certified or even trained in any way, I'd look specifically for Veterinary Animal Behaviorists, who ARE licensed vets, or Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists, who have completed training and received certification for understanding animal behavior.