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My cat wont use the litter box.


My name is Crystal, and i need HELP!! My cat used to use the litter box when she was the only cat in the house, now we have two other cats and three litter boxes and she refuses to use them! She urinates and poops all over the house. I've tried putting news paper down where ever she goes but it dosnt help, she will just go somewhere else. When we empty the litter boxes, she poops right next to the litter box and it hasnt even been used!!! We empty them every week. We used to use cat liter, and she still didnt use it, so we switched to wood chips, the kind used in small animal cages, and are two other cats use it fine. I dont know what to do, and i dont want to have to lock her in a room by herself, or put her outside because she dosnt have front claws. I could really use some advice.

Sincerly Crystal

Hi Crystal,

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.  First things' first--you need to take her to a vet to rule out a medical problem.  This is imperative, as it can be as serious as a urinary blockage which can kill them if left untreated due to the toxins that build up in their bodies.  Good job in having three litter boxes for three cats!  Cats are very clean creatures, and also like to feel they have their own space.  This also serves the added purpose of being able to have them in multiple locations.  This way, you can have one downstairs and two up, or vice versa.   Please be sure that you show them each where they are and praise them for just being in the box.  The more positive you make the litter box, the more likely they are to return there.  Also consider their age and bladder size comparable to the size of your home.  When they have to go, they have to go, and if they don't see it or it hasn't been long enough for them to remember where it is, they will go elsewhere.  My foster Neira which is now my cat had the same problem, and I solved it by keeping one upstairs and one down.  I have five cats to four boxes, two jumbo sized ones downstairs and two normal sized ones upstairs.

Also keep in mind that when cats defecate anywhere other than the litter box, it is either due to a medical or behavioral problem.  What litter are you using?  Did you switch right before the problem started?  How long have you had the two newer cats?  You should observe their behavior when they go to the bathroom.  For example, if one cat stalks the other when they use the box and you only have one, they will no longer want to use the box.  You need to take care to have them in different locations, and correct any stalking behavior with a sharp sound or clap.  Never allow stalking around the litter box, as this is the exact problem it can create.

Thirdly, you need to be sure that you are cleaning the spots properly with an enzymic cleaner.  Otherwise the smell remains,  and the cat will continue to go there.  If it's medical, it can only be diagnosed by a vet.  They should run a blood panel and a urinalysis to make sure there is no urinary problem.  Please let me know how this goes and if you have any further questions.  Good luck!

Best regards,