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is my kitten normal?


I have three 8 month old cats who are from the same litter. They were rescued from our garage when they were about four weeks old. We bottle fed them a special kitten formula and according to our vet they are now in great health. The only one I am worried about is the little girl. She was the runt of the litter and did not start running and playing as soon as the others. Also, when she was still only four or five weeks, she took a bit of a fall down the stairs and her meow changed from a very loud obnoxious one to only a whisper. She tries to meow, but still nothing much comes out. I have also noticed how uncoordinated she is, especially for a cat. For example, if you drop her she does not land very firmly on her feet; instead she acts kind of like a limp rag. I don't believe her intelligence is quite as high as our other two cats either. I am not too concerned about these things, as she also has some talents such as hopping incredibly high (like a bunny) and is the most cuddly cat I have ever met. I am simply curious as to why she is not like. Should I be worried?

HI Alex,

It is possible that she has some physical and mental disabilities - it's not uncommon for the runt of the litter to have some developmental or neurological problems. You should have her checked by the vet because in some cases there are things you can do to help her. Also I'd be a bit concerned about injuries she may have had from the fall. But if not, she may be a little uncoordinated or slow but it sounds like she's a very sweet soul so love her for hat she is :)