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older cat keeps hissing at kitten


Hopefully you can help me with this, I have a 6 year old female spayed cat that has always been really moody and can turn on you in a second, but can also be loving. About 3 months ago I brought in a stray kitten, a girl and had her fixed. The only interaction they have is the older one chasing the kitten and hissing and spitting. Recently however my Caddy who is the older one has been constantly growling and attacking Lily my kitten. It comes out of the blue and I don't know why. I know they'll never be best friends but I want them to get along. I can tell all the kitten wants is to love on Caddy but she wont have that. She's a real bully to Lily. Caddy has also started being nasty to me when Lilys around. She'll love one me one minute and the next, she'll turn around and bite and scratch me so hard I bleed. Is there anything I can do to help this situation? I want both my girls to be happy and have a nice home but I feel like they're not getting it b/c ones always angry and the other always scared and bullied.

HI Melissa,

It's not uncommon for an adult cat to feel threatened and annoyed by a kitten. However it's always best if you introduce a new cat slowly, and it doesn't sound like you did that. The best way to fix this relationship is to separate the acts again for at least 2 weeks. Then slowly and gradually re-introduce them, try following the steps and tips I have outlined in this article:

Good luck!