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medicating with laxatone



I have a 5 year old DMH. She just went to the vet and received tuna flavored laxatone. regrettably, she will only lick my finger once then wont touch it again. I have tried putting it on food, treats, etc. Do you know of any tricks to get her to ingest her medication?


One easy way to get Laxatone or any other laxative/furball remedy into Diva is to squeeze the dose out of the tube and rub it onto her front legs. Cats are very clean animals for the most part and while Diva will very likely be offended by having Laxatone rubbed onto her front legs she's also quite likely to lick it all off. Don't be afraid to smear the Laxatone onto Diva's legs well because otherwise she may decide to shake off the offending laxative/furball remedy and you'll end up with globs of tuna flavored Laxatone all over walls, furniture and carpets. Since it can sometimes take a few times to get the hang of medicating a kitty who won't voluntarily lick a dose of laxative from your fingers I'd recommend shutting bedroom doors and trying to medicate Diva in an area of the house where she's not as likely to damage any bedding, furniture, carpeting, etc in the event that she does fling the Laxatone off of her legs.

I'm sure that your vet didn't tell you that Laxatone is essentially flavored vaseline, that having been said you could simply opt to give Diva the same dose of unscented original vaseline to see if she's willing to lick that off of your fingers voluntarily. If you'd prefer more natural alternatives giving your kitty a small amount of cow's milk (which often causes diarrea in a cat that isn't constipated) or a tablespoon of pure canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling because it contains sugar and spices that most cats don't like and the fact is cats simply don't need these extras) twice daily - many cats will eat pure canned pumpkin voluntarily but I've found that it usually comes in large cans so you may want to freeze daily doses in freezer bags when you open the can. For a safe and gentle way to balance Diva's digestive system you can also give her unsweetened plain yogurt (I prefer organic, but whatever you prefer will work nicely) - while cow's milk and other dairy products can irritate most cats' digestive tracts the reality is that yogurt generally is okay for most cats because the lactose that other dairy products contain has been broken down by the beneficial bacteria in the yogurt. If you have any further cat related questions please don't hesitate to contact me again.