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cats discolored skin


we have been feeding an outside siamese cat. and it is a healthy male. but all of a sudden his skin is turning a pale yellow. his normal color is grey, white, and black. but when looking at his ears, or his stomach, the skin is yellow. and his eyes are yellow-green.
what could cause this?

Hello Carol,
I am not a vet, so I cannot offer medical advice.  What I can do, is to tell you that if this were my cat, I would be at the vet's office ASAP.  This could be anything from poisoning, to disease to kidney problems (i.e. hepatitis) or any number of things.  A vet will be able to tell you if this is something serious or not.  Hopefully all will be fine.
Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.  Thank you for your inquiry and your intrest in this site.