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loft safety


Hi Norm - how would you recommend keeping my 2 kittens off our loft ledge which is about 4in wide and are at least 20feet off the bottom floor, other areas are over the steps with a hell of a drop.  We have tried spraying water when the jump up there (doesn't deter them), but I'm afraid they'll jump right up and over the ledge or fall when playing...etc - they'll already fallen once, luckily not too far and were not injured but I'm worried...any ideas? Thank you for any help you can provide.


I would not try to keep your two kittens off the ledge. Although, some people have had success with two sided sticky tape.  Cats hate stepping on sticky surfaces.

However, most cats will easily land on their feet from heights of 20 feet.  A cat skeleton is like a spring and can absorb the force from a 20 foot fall, and, of course, the cat will land on its feet.  I have seen slow motion video of the phenomenon and it is remarkable how they know there down is and can twist to make sure that is where their feet are headed!

Cats are animals that operate in all three dimensions, and they tend to handle heights very, very well. You can watch them play and see if you really think they will get in trouble.  For me, I tend to figure cats, even kittens, have excellent senses of balance and heights.

Best regards... Norm.