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my kitten kneads my hair at night


I recently adopted two male kittens from the same litter.  They are now about 14 weeks old. One of them has this odd behavior that I've never seen before and I'd like to stop it.   When I am trying to sleep (or sometimes already asleep) one of the kittens starts purring really loud and jumps onto my pillow. He kneads my hair with his paws and sometimes even licks it - maybe he thinks he's grooming me.  Not only is it a bit uncomfortable (he still has claws) but I wake up with all kinds of knots and tangles in my hair. Any idea why he does this and how to stop it. His brother doesn't do it at all.  

Hi Anne,

Congratulations on your new additions. Some people feel that this behavior is linked to being weaned too early from the mother. I have a couple of cats who do this. I look at them as extra loving cats. There are a couple of things you can do that aren't too bad to try to break him of this.
The easiest I would do is just keep on removing him from you when he starts this behavior. Pull him away and place him beside you. You are going to have to do this quite a few times before he slows down doing this. I would also keep his nails trimmed down while you are trying to change his behavior.
Another little thing you can do that works with my cats is to blow a sharp blast of air in his face when he starts. Just purse your lips and blow. The shock of having the air in his face will startle him and he should stop.
Try these and let me know how it goes. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen