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did my cat catch a cold?


My cat seems to be sick. He is an indoor cat, about 13 years old. His symptoms include drool/snot on his chin, does not respond when calling him, doesnt come to bed or do routine things, he looks out the window instead of sititng by the heater as usual, he is shedding more than usual and has a weird walk. I am affraid of taking him to the vet because I have had bad experiences where two of my cats in the past died a few days after taking them to the vet (separate times) and plus I do not have money to take him. What should I do?

Hi Ayami,

Please find another vet and take your cat right away. Cats can get colds but indoor cats with no exposure to others are not likely to, and his symptoms sound much more severe than a little sneezing. There is nothing I can do for you over the internet he needs to see a vet right away. Most vets take credit cards or will allow you to pay on a payment plan.

In the meantime make sure he eats - give him canned food so he gets enough moisture.

It is part of the responsibility of having a pet that you need to have a plan for unexpected vet visits. Keeping a special credit card aside just for such emergencies is a good plan, or you can ask your vet about pet health insurance.

Best wishes to you and your cat.