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Hi I have a 3 year old boy cat and he all of a sudden is walking around like he's in severe pain. He is also walkin real slow he is normaly a severe energetic cat but today he has been just mopein and cryin like he's in pain. What's weird is he was fine when I went to bed last night it just started this mornin if u can help plz do.7

Hi Steven,

For something like this I strongly recommend you get your cat to the vet. I agree with you, he does sound like he is in severe pain. Has he urinated or defecated today at all? If he seems worse when he does this he might have an infection going on. However a sudden change like you describe sounds like he may have ingested something. I can't help you from here. You need to get him to a vet. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen