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Constant Vomitting


My cat has been vomitting constantly for the past 5 days. I have taken her to the vet twice, and she has had X-Rays which do not show any blockages. She is unable to keep any food down, and has no appetite.  


Sometimes cats will swallow thread or string and it can become entangled around the intestines which would cause vomiting because the food cannot pass through the intestines. Not eating will cause a lack of appetite because they get so weak. Either call your Vet or take her back and have him check for this. My sister had a kitten once, and the thread was caught on her teeth but it was hidden under her tongue.  I don't want to scare you but it could be fatal and would require surgery to mend the intestines if the thread or string has severed them.  This is just something to look into, I have no way of telling what your cat is actually going through.  

You need to talk to your Vet about some type of supplement for her since she won't eat.  Did he suggest a fluid IV?  She may be dehydrated.  If you are not getting any results from your Vet, please get a second opinion.  She cannot go on without eating/drinking.  I truly hope you find out what is wrong with your cat.

God Bless,