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Cat with fleas


My cat has fleas bad, he has long hair and is the only one of 3 to have them this bad, any suggestions on what to do for him?

Hi Katrina,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Probably the best solution for your flea problem is to get some
Capstar, and give it to each cat.  This will rid them of all fleas within
30 minutes to an hour.  You can then use a product like Frontline for
each cat, as a preventive.  You will have to treat the environment as well,
as fleas can survive a very long time without sustenance, and will reinfest as
soon as the opportunity presents itself.  Ingestion of a flea is the only source for
tapeworms, so be on the lookout for that as well.  Fortunately this is easily
cleared up with over the counter medication.
It may also be necessary to bathe the cats to rid them of the 'flea dirt' that the
fleas have left on their bodies.  
Flea control can be a real headache, so I wish you the best.
Thanks again,