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Two sisters torn apart


I have two cats from the same liter for four years, they both cuddle and love each other dearly (of course every now and then they have their spats).

Recently one cat got out and was missing for two days, we feared her dead but she managed to return unharmed and very happy to be let back inside (they are indoor cats only).

During the couple of days that she was gone, her sister was very lovey with us and hammed it up, craving all sorts of attention that we were lavishing her with since we were quite depressed and worried about her sister being missing.

When we found the missing cat and brought her back in, her sister reacted terribly, the minute we put her back down in the house she went nuts! Started hissing at her and won't go anywhere near her. The missing kitty didn't hiss back but rather just stares at her in curiosity, like she doesn't understand why her sisters mad at her instead of glad that she's back.

We though time would cure it, but it's been days and the cat that hadn't gone missing is just as mad as ever, any time she gets near her sister she hisses and backs away, the previously missing cat is never aggressive and never returns the aggressiveness, instead just stares at her and continues doing what she was doing.

We don't understand why this is happening, as a result, the hissing kitty will not really let anyone touch her, it seems she's agitated with everyone, almost like she's jealous her sisters back to share our love.

Please help!


Two things to remember, days are nothing in the scheme of things for cats, so a behavior that goes on for a number of days is not as concerning as when it goes on for a number of weeks or months.

Secondly, cats often tell each other by scent.  I am wondering if the cat that got out is carrying some scent she picked up fro the outside that makes her not smell like she should.  These scents can be very persistent.  You can try bathing the sister who got out and see if that helps matters any.

In either case, you need to give things much more time than a few days to settle down.  No matter what, you will need patience and perseverance and not interfere in any other their inter-actions as human interference of any kind (separating them, attempts at discipline, etc.) are always counter productive and will elongate the reacquaintance process.

Another tip is to continue giving the sister, who did not get out, special attention and special treats, for the mean time, so she may think of the return of her sister as a good thing.  After all cats do get jealous.

There is no guarantee the relationship will go back to the way it was.  So, look for good signs, like games of chase (even if it ends up in a "fight"), mutual grooming (even if it ends up in a "fight"), etc.

If things still seem tense, you might try a Feliway diffuser (available from most pet supermarkets) in the room in which they spend most of their time.

Please let me know how things go.

Best regards... Norm.