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New mommy cat


My cat just had a litter of 5 kittens a yesterday morning. She stayed with them all day yesterday. But today she is walking around the house meowing.I was thinking she was thinking of moving the kittens cause she keeps sniffing out a new spot like the closet and under the bed. She is wanting tons of affection right now too is that normal for her to leave her babies by themselves and come sit right on my chest in my face. Could there be something wrong or is this normal? This is her first litter too, if that has anything to do with it.  

Hi Heather, If your cat is less than 10 months old this could be a sign of her immaturity, but it also could be a sign that she has something remaining inside of her. do you know if she passed 5 afterbirths? She could also be just wanting to move the kittens.... Is she eating ok? Does she run to the kittens when you go to hold them? She could also be in heat again!? Some cats come into heat right away after having kittens. I would wait it out today as long as she is eating and drinking normally. If she is NOT, then I would suggest a trip to the vet to check her and see if anything is left in her.