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Kitten Swollen Cheek/Neck Area Right Side


Our kitten, Molly, who is almost four months old, got a swollen lump on the right side of her face just over one week ago.  At first, we thought it might be a spider bite or some other kind of bug bite, but now it seems that rather than it having gotten smaller, it has grown in size.  I would say it's the size of one of those giant gumballs they sell in vending machines or maybe a ping pong ball - not quite as large as a golf ball.  Anyway, we had taken this kitten which we saved from the cold on Christmas for her first vet visit on 1/7/10 and Molly was treated with Panacur for worms.  Could this be related to her medication?  We don't think so  because this didn't appear immediately after taking the meds - at least not the first treatment period.  In fact, it started after the last day of taking the medicine.  Now we wonder, is this related to the worms?  Our vet wasn't able to determine what type of worms she had.  I tried to get another appointment and they can't take Molly until Monday morning.  I'm very worried about her.  PLEASE PLEASE - ANY INFO WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. P.S. Molly has been inside since we rescued her on Christmas and hasn't been in contact with any other animals/pets.  THANK YOU!

Hi Kymie,

My first thought is that your kit has an abscess there. However I read the info on this stuff and one of the rare side effects is facial swelling. I haven't seen your kitten so I can't say for sure if this is what it is. You need to contact your vet about this. He will be able to help you if this is a reaction to the dewormer. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen