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New kitten for older female


I have an 8 year old female and want to get a kitten for her to play with.  I understand the integration process and have used it successfully in the past.  My question.  What is better for my 8 year old female, another female kitten or a male?  Thank you!

When ever I have visited a rescue centre they have always told me that you should choose a cat of the opposite sex to your existing cat. So a neutered male would be best.

I would say that that there are no guarantees that your cat will get along with a another cat. cats are not pack animals like dogs and do not need the company of another cat to keep them happy. In fact in a cats world another cat is a threat to their territory, so you may end up with some fights on your hands if they don't get along. thought i would just warn you, just in case.

best wishes Kate