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My cat is scared and has run away


Hi Unfortunately my cat has been bullied by a new cat that moved into the neighbourhood (it has now gone) and unfortunately after a cat fight my cat ran off 12 days ago and has not returned home.  She has been spotted in the local neighbourhood though.  Is it likely she will regain her confidence and return home?  I have washed down the doors to get rid of the other cats scent, is there anything else I can do?

Hi Michelle.  Best way to lure a cat back home is to put out cat food each and every morning and night.  And make it a smelly one!  My cats can't resist Fancy Feast (it can run $.50-$.85 a can, but if you split it into two meals, it's not so bad).  If you find the food gone at every feeding but don't see who's eating it, I'd recommend setting up a live trap.  You may be able to borrow one from a local shelter, your veterinarian or an animal officer.  If not, you can buy one at some livestock supply stores.  I would recommend setting up the trap in a shaded area with a towel over it to protect from the hot sun.  You use food as bait, which should be replaced twice a day if it's not eaten to prevent spoiling.  And remove the trap before dusk.  If you leave a trap open and baited over night, there's a chance you could catch a raccoon or skunk, instead!  If you catch the wrong cat, just let him go.  Most cats won't wander into a trap a second time any time soon.

Aside from that, make all vets, shelters and animal officers aware that the cat is missing in case she's turned in, and spend some time each day calling for her around the neighborhood.  I had all but given up hope when my cat was missing for 21 days.  I walked up the street a ways calling her and finally returned home empty-handed an hour later.  Lo and behold, when I went to let the dogs out later that night, who but my kitty was waiting at the door!  She didn't respond to my calls immediately, but I think hearing my voice must've reminded her of where she should be.