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cat bothering neighbours


my cat has been throwing herself at the neighbours window trying to get at their indoor cat.  she is 5 years old, calico, has been an outdoor cat all her life.  i'm not willing to declaw her.  do you have any suggestions for deterring this behaviour?  spraying with water, smelly stuff?  i have been more vigilant at keeping my eye on her and trying to keep her out of their yard.  how do outdoor cats cope with becoming indoor cats?  please advise.  thanx, l. keenan  

Hi Lindy,

Cats allowed outdoors loose are in a lot of danger - death or injury from cars, dog attacks, fights with other cats leading to disease and abscesses, and ingesting poison are just a few. I advise keeping your cat indoors, or better still providing her with some type of cat enclosure to enjoy some fresh air without annoying your neighbors or getting herself hurt.

Here are some ideas for all types of cat enclosures:

Outdoor cats can become happy indoor cats but it does take a bit of patience. Expect some crying at the door, being woken in the night etc. A good set of earplugs is a help! Never give in to demands, or you will never train her to accept indoors. (A cat enclosure should eliminate this problem anyway - most cats are happy having at least a small space of outdoor area).

Here are some articles that will help you make the transition: