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My older black cat has a sore paw or leg


We recently introduced a male kitten to the house several months ago. When we did we let the older female go back outside. She used to be a totally outside cat. For a year she was a totally indoor cat and now 1/2 & 1/2. She has had this sore paw thing before and it was a cat bite that healed with bacteria still stuck in her paw. My problem is I have no money, no job and don't know what to do for her. It has gradually gotten worse. We had been keeping her inside, but she recently snuck out. HELP & THANKS

If she has an abscess in her paw, there's nothing you are going to be able to do for her at home, she's going to need to see a vet.  The abscess needs to be drained, possibly have a drain put in, and she's going to need antibiotics.  You MIGHT be able to clean it up enough so that her immune system can fight off the infection, but the chances are slim.  If its not already opened, you need to open it up so the infection can drain out.  You should take her temperature too, because if it is an abscess that's not draining, chances are she has a fever too.  101 is a normal temperature, 103.5 is considered a fever, and over 105 requires immediate medical attention.  If its not an abscess, she may need x-rays to determine whether or not its broken.  I hope she gets better.
