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Recurring ear infection


My 7 yr old cat has had 3 ear infections in the past year that results in a sore throat due to drainage.
My vet has run all kind of tests and they came back negative.  He has been spayed and had all his shots required yearly.  Can there be any connection between him eating out of styrofoam bowls and these infections?


Remember, I am not a vet.  My guess is that styrofoam bowls should not cause this kind of problem, however, we prefer paper plates and not styrofoam.

It ismalso possible he needs much more aggressive treatment for the ear infections and the drainage.  I assume he has been checked for ear polyps?

Another thought, if the ocurrances are seasonal, he might just have allergies and as long as he is eating OK, he may just have to put up with it periodically.

Best regards... Norm.