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Cat due any time now


Our cat, Mocha, is at 63 days now (if my calculation date is right) and my question is it ok if she delivers in our garage?  I have set up a couple of boxes with towels, newspapers and the temperature outside has been 70 during the day with it being around 40 at night. I've read that sometimes first time mother cats might wait to be with her owner to deliver, but is this always true?  She looks like she is ready to herself and sleeping.
I cannot sleep at night with her in house at this time, because she makes so much noise...


It depends on the cat and her personality. A first time mother may be nervous and want to be with you for comfort because she doesn't understand what is going on and why she is in pain. Othr cats will have them where-ever and prefer to be left alone.

I had one mother cat that I couldn't move while she was giving birth or she would get up and follow me even with a baby half hanging out!

The garage will be fine if she is not the nervous type.
