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Kittens Gums


Hi I just recently adopted a Bengal Kitten. He is very active,and very smart. He is eating, drinking and going to the bathroom with no trouble. My problem is that his gums are very pale,and he is sneezing. It is not chronic sneezing though.  

Pale gums are a concern.  It can mean anemia.  And anemia can be caused by all sorts of things.  Feline distemper, hookworms, severe flea infestation, kidney failure, feline leukemia and feline AIDS and disorders of the marrow itself are all causes of anemia.

The sneezing should probably be investigated as well as the pale gums.  It could be he's allergic.  But it could be a virus.  Two of them of very serious illnesses - feline herpes and calici virus.  A kitten coming down with these diseases will need antibiotics to ward off secondary bacterial infection, as well as supportive care, such as a special diet, fluids under the skin and vitamins or other natural supplements.

It is possible his gums are naturally pale, but because other causes could be so serious, I would certainly see a vet.  There is a blood booster available over the counter at pet stores called Pet Tinic that never hurts to give.  It encourages red blood cell production.