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male cat bladder control


Hi Jessica,  Our cat is 3 years old and has had crystal problems twice.  The first time was about 1 year ago and he had surgery to correct the problem.  Recently it the crystals returned and this time the vet cathetorized him and put him on Science Diet S/D.  Hes home now but since he came home he leaves puddles everywhere and seldom uses his litter box.  Could this be a side effect of the new food? he is also on cefa droxil for 7 days. Or do you think there is a more serious condition we need to deal with?  Thanks for any info.

Hi Beth.  Poor little guy!  I'm guessing his is probably left with some serious irritation from the crystals and maybe the catheter.  That would be my guess as to why he's having litter box issues.  Cats often will not use their box if they're feeling pain when they urinate.  Talk to your vet about some pain relief.  Narcotics are available for short-term use when pain is severe.  

Some cats will also benefit from the use of a corticosteroid to reduce inflammation of the bladder lining.

And for cats who suffer Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD - this is likely what your cat has), one medication called amitriptyline is a miracle drug, in my opinion.  I use it in one of my cats who suffers terribly from FLUTD.  It is technically an antidepressant, but it also has analgesic properties.  It's the only treatment we found for my kitty that worked.  The poor thing was urinating blood, spraying everywhere, and this solved it.  I would definitely ask about this.

Additionally, you might want to start adding Cosequin for cats to his food.  This is a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin that helps maintain a healthy bladder lining.  It's really essential for cats with a history of urinary tract problems, in my opinion.  It's a flavored powder that comes in a capsule you open over your cat's food.  It's available at some pet stores and through vets.

I don't think this is due to the food.  It's possible he's having some continence problems after all he's been through.  Those are sometimes treatable, so definitely ask the vet for his opinion.