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Cats and Dog living together


We have recently adopted 2 kittens which are now 7 weeks old.  We have a 5 year old Walker Coonhound in our house.  The dog is strictly a house pet, not a trained hunter.  We are slowly introducing the animals to each other and it is going fairly well.  However... when the dog interects with the cats (ie licking, nudging them with her nose and nibbling on them with her front teeth) the cats go competely still.  The cats do not meow, hiss or claw no matter how rough I feel the dog is getting.  Sometimes the cats even close their eyes like they are playing dead.  What is the deal?  Do I need to be worried that the cats will let the dog hurt them, or will the cats defend themselves if they feel threatened or hurt?  Have we made a grave mistake?

Hi Mary,
No, I don't think you have made a mistake at all. I have six dogs and two cats that live very well together. I think the kittens are very young and are not quite sure what to think of your dog! I have never really seen a kitten "freeze" as you are describing, but I really think it's just a "what do I do now?" reaction.  Give them time and they will probably be playing with your dog in no time.  My dogs still like to chase the cats sometimes, but it's all done in a friendly manner. My Siamese will even chase the dogs and then run from them like it's a game!!  I would not leave the kittens alone with your dog yet though. There should be some supervision until you are sure they are safe with him/her.   
Good luck and God bless,