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Cat Defecating on Floor


Dear Tina - I have a 12 y/o female cat named Cookie.  I've owned her for about 5 years. As of about the last year or so she has started defecating (never urinating so far) in various rooms in the home, usually near walls and corners.  She only eats dry food and the feces are dry and hard and easy to clean up - so it's not a major problem as yet - but she seems to be doing it with increasing frequency. I still find urine and feces in the litter box, so it isn't as if she has stopped using it.  Is she just getting old and "senile" or is this indicative of a medical problem I need to attend to?  Thanks.

Milwaukee, WI

well as you say some cats as they get older can get senile and this may be one of the symptoms but generally defecating around the home is called middening and is a form of communication like urinating is but it is a more urgent message as it were. It is caused my many things and is usually a sign that the cat is stressed or worried about something, it is easier for me to guide you towards my page about middening /cat-poo.html

However it may be advisable to take your cat for a check up soon just to be on the safe side in case it is a medical problem. It is always best to rule out anything medical if there nothing obvious which could be causing the middening.

I hope everything is ok

best wishes