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strange behaviors


my cat never drinks water, but i give her some water anyway.  she moves her bowl around all the way to the other side of the room. causing the water to spill everywhere. i tried not giving her water for a day, she still does it. i tried wetting her food, she still does it.  Is something wrong with her?  

Hi Vicki,

Your cat has to be drinking water. She cannot live without water. You may not be seeing her drink but she is. Do not withhold water from her. Your cat can become dehydrated and die.
I have two cats who do the same. The problem that I figure is the cats cannot see the water level. They move the bowl so they can see the level of the water. You can do to things to help with this. One is put ice cubes in the water. They are a solid objects and show up the water level good. The other thing you can do is use a drop of food coloring in the water; this will also help your cat see the level. Let me know how things go with this. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen