Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > how do i move mom and new kitten from under my bed to new location?

how do i move mom and new kitten from under my bed to new location?


My month old cat just had 1 kitten this morning. Mother delivered on my be and when moved to kennel on side on bed. mother took kitten under my bed. i have attempted twice more today with the same out come. please help. could it be because the father is around and is not able to get under my bed?? Were would be a good spot in my bedroom since I also live in a small apartment and have 2 young children.???

Hi Chris,

She feels safe under your bed. The only other spot that might be good would be in the closet with the door partially closed. This might be to her liking. See if that would work. She just might move the kit back to under the bed. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen