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The aggression continues


Hi norman,
I wrote you once before, approx. 1 month ago entitled: Aggression towards me.  Sadly I find myself in the same situation.  Just 5min earlier my cat was responding to pets and than out of nowhere decided to give a firm bite to my right arm.  At this point I have 3 bandaids covering the wounds. 2 are the recent ones I'm talking about of red welts with blood seeping out and the other is old wound which isn't healing very well so I still have to polysporin it to death.  I'm so tired and frustrated.  Yesterday while I was lounging watching tv on the couch he walked on the couch's top edge with his ears cocked to the sides emitting this low guttural call with his eyes completely dilated staring right at me.  I'm still scared and at the same time already starting to feel guilty. Maybe its something I'm doing wrong that makes him want to attack me.  If I give him back than I'm a failure.  But if I keep him I continue to get bitten and scratched and I feel he hates me.  Am I just going crazy or does this cat despise me despite what I do for him and I just have to let him go?  I need help.  What would you do?  
Frustrated in Toronto, Sharon


Being afraid of your cat is not good for either you or your cat.

Have you had him to the vet to make sure there is no physical problem?  If there is no physical problem, your cat may have a mental problem and, with the right medication, you may be able to modify his behavior.

On the other hand, there are just certain kitties that cannot be socialized!

You are doing nothing wrong. If the situation is intolerable to you and your cat, then back to the shelter.  It may be heart breaking, but you cannot continue like this.

I do not think the cat despises anyone.  There is clearly something amiss with this cat.  If it is not possible to turn him around via a veterinary intervention, than you have no choice but to get him back from where you got him.

I am sorry I have no better advice.

Best regards... Norm.