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urethral catheter


My cat had a urethral catheter put in a couple days ago, and then he came home, after pulling it out himself.  He seems irritated down there, and i'm just wondering how long that will last.  also, he got it because he was blocked and this morning, he was acting like he was blocked again, trying to pee, and not being able to go, and frequently going to the litter box.  i took him back to the vet and was told that he's not blocked, but that he had the infection because of the catheter, adn he's on antibiotics, so that should be fine.  My question is, how can I know it's not a blockage, that it's just the infection?  Also, how can I feel his bladder, I would liek to be able to do it myself.  


Urethral catheters are definitely irritating, which is why most cats try to remove them.  The irritation from that can last a few days, and compounded with the infection I'm sure he's very uncomfortable.  I'm glad you are keeping such a close eye on him - a blocked urethra is very serious.  The straining could be because he's blocked, but the infection he has and the irritation probably also make him feel like he has to go even when his bladder is empty.  Unfortunately, it can be hard to tell whether it's a blockage or just irritation, so being able to feel his bladder is definitely a good idea.  It's kind of hard to explain so you may want to have your vet show you, but you should be able to feel his bladder by lightly palpating his lower abdomen with him standing up and you using one hand around his belly, kind of between his legs, or just in front of.  If he's a chubby cat it's going to make it more difficult, and if he is expressing his bladder you're likely not to feel it at all.  I want to strongly caution you on performing this since if he is blocked, and you push to hard you could rupture his bladder.
