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My cat cries a lot. When shes in my room, in the hallway, everywhere. I massage her neck and stomach, but still she cries. Why does she do this? Does she want attention? Is she hungry? Please, help me, I want my cat to be happy.

Well sometimes they want attention, but if you are feeding her proper amounts according to the the package for the food you buy, she may be looking for snacks but not hungry. But if this is a constant thing and its crying not just mewing (a pleasant meow meow which is sort of communication but we don't understand too well)... if it constant and a crying thing, then I strongly urge you to see a vet for a physical exam. She may have some pain or digestive trouble or other issue that needs medical care. If she checks out at the vet then it may be all of the things you suggested and nothing more, but you need to see your vet to be on the safe side.