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Asian Shorthairs and Oriental Shorthairs


6/6/07 4:51 PM


 I have a few quick questions for you. What is the difference between Asian Shorthairs and Oriental Shorthairs, and why are Asian Shorthairs called Asian Shorthairs if they're bred in England? Are Asian Shorthairs found in Asia? Please let me know. Thank you.

Jason Goldman

A very good breed question, Jason!

The term "Asian Shorthair" actually refers to a few recognized mutations of the Burmese line, such as Burmilla and Bombay. It was developed primarily in Britain, and is in fact not recognized by the ACFA, because of the mutations in the line. The ACFA celebrates pure Burmese, however. They are called "Asian" Shorthair breeds because, of course, they all descend from an Asian cat, the Burmese, and its genetics. These are considered purebred in some circles, though very few in the States.

"Oriental Shorthair" refers to any cat with a Siamese body type, slender with large ears and a wedge or apple shaped head, but without the distinctive markings of the Siamese, the points. These cats will be shorthaired with a solid fur color or tabby striped, and come in a variety of colors, but will not have full or even partial points. These are not considered purebred, but they are very beautiful.

I'm sure both breeds of cat exist worldwide, and yes, even in Asia, though certainly not exclusively.